Whether you’re dreaming of renovating a current home, building anew, or are simply dreaming, chances are you’ve spent more than a few afternoons glued to a design-focused reality show. And if your dreams involve bliss in a beach house—don’t they all?—chances are you’ve spent a good share of those afternoons binging Marnie Oursler’s Big Beach Builds. The DIY Network staple follows the Bethany Beach, Delaware, native as she renovates tired coastal homes in and around her hometown.
Naturally, after years of transforming beach homes into their best selves, Marnie’s learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t—and what the next big thing in coastal design really is. We tapped the expert builder and TV star to see if she’d share what her clients are pining for most. Here’s the scoop on Marnie’s top five beach house trends for 2019: